Quest - Abissais 01 - 19

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Tideborn quests Lv 1-19

Level 1
New Beginnings
1. Fale com Vanguard Isis (656, 208)
-Mate 10 Infant Seagrubs ou 10 Emerald Hermit Crabs (missão aleatoria)
2. Reporte á Vanguard Isis
-Escolha um:
10 Small Healing Potion
10 Small Mana Potion
-Recompensa: (Coin :200, Exp:52, Spirit :16, Rep:1)
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Level 2
City of Raging Tides
1. Fale com Vanguard Isis (656, 208)
-Visite o Elder (657, 143) – Na casa atrás, a direita da Vanguard Isis tem uma ordem de Teleport (662, 210). Isso vai te levar à Raging Tides

-Making the Rounds ( Fale com os NPCs em qualquer ordem)
-Fale com Craftsman Betep (660, 121)
Escolha uma bota:
Absolutefrost Boots (Assassin Only)
Cloudstream Shoes (Psychic Only)

-Fale com Blacksmith Ilya (661, 199)
Escolha um chapéu:
Absolutefrost Hat (Assassin Only)
Cloudstream Coif (Psychic Only)

-Fale com Tailor Nika (662, 120)
Escolha uma armor:
Absolutefrost Mail (Assassin)
Cloudstream Cassock (Psychic)

-Fale com Merchant Sumuil (665, 118)
Escolha um bracelete:
Absolutefrost Bracers (Assassin)
Cloudstream Wristband (Psychic)

- Fale com Apothecary Tekla (667, 119)
Escolha uma calça:
Absolutefrost Greaves (Assassin)
Cloudstream Pants (Psychic)

2. Reporte ao Elder (657, 143)
-Você será transportado automaticamente para Drangonfang Village
3. Reporte para Vanguard Isis (656, 208)
4. Fale com Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203) (dentro da casa)
Recompensa (Coin:310, Rep:2, 1 Celestone Fragment)

Scissor Walkers
1. Fale com Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203)
-Mate 10 Scissor Walkers
2. Reporte ao Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203)
-Recompensa ( Exp: 206. Spirit 64, Rep:2)
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Level 3
The Token
1. Fale com Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203)
-Colete 1 Heart of Seagrub (Dropado dos Mutated Seagrubs)
2. Reporte ao Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203)
-Recompensa (Coin:340, Exp: 260, Spirit:75, Rep:1)

Venomstained Prawns
1. Fale com Vanguard Isis (656, 208)
-Mate 5 Venomstained Prawns
2. Reporte á Vanguard Isis (656, 208)
-Recompensa ( Coin: 120, Exp: 200, Spirit:60, Rep:2)
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Level 4
1. Fale com Dragonfang Messenger (658, 203)
-Receba uma Badge of Trials
2. Reporte ao Netherspring Messenger (629, 203)
-Espere 30 Segundos
- Escolha uma arma
Glacier Thorn (Assassin)
Radiant Emerald (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin:330, Exp:220, Spirit:70, Rep:3)

Jumps and Flights
1. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
-Abra um chest of trials (631, 240 altura 29) Comece pelos cogumelos próximos 634, 244
2. Reporte ao Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
- Escolha um: Guardian Charm (10000 HP) ou Small Spirit Charm (15000 MP)
-Recompensa (Coin:150, Exp:200, Spirit:60)

Dirty Turtles
1. Fale com Idling Old Man (629, 241)
-Mate 10 Metaljaw Turtles
2. Reporte ao Idling Old Man (629, 241)
-Recompensa (Coin:170, Exp: 280, Spirit:80 Rep:2)

Treat from the Ocean
1. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
-Colete 10 Carved Carapaces (Dropado normalmente das Metaljaw Turtles)
2. Reporte ao Netherspring Messenger (629, 203)
- Recompensa (Coin:180, Exp:400, Spirit 130, Rep:2)

1. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
-Colete 1 Secret of the Water Kind (dropado do Crystal Shorepatroller)
2. Reporte ao Netherspring Messenger (629, 203)
-Recompensa ( Coin:520, Exp:330, Spirit: 110, Rep: 2)
3. Continua na quest de level 6: Conspiracy

Delicious Crabs
1. Fale com Idling Old Man (629, 241)
-Colete 5 Crab Meat (Dropado dos Frostseed Crabkin)
2.Reporte ao Idling Old Man (629, 241)
-Recompensa( Coin: 170, Exp:285, Spirit:80, Rep:2)
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Level 5
Learn to Craft
Aparece uma mensagem do sistema no level 5
1. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
(Tem um teleport em 629, 243)
-Recompensa (Exp: 50)

1. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
2. Fale com a Blacksmith Ilya (661, 119)
-Recompensa (Exp: 50)
-Colete 2 Pig Iron
3. Fale com Blacksmith Ilya (661, 119)
Recompensa (Exp:50)
- Receba 1 Basic Blacksmith Skill
4. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Clique em Learn Manufacturing Skill

1.Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
2. Fale com Craftsman Betep (662, 120)
-Recompensa (Exp: 50)
-Colete 2 Sandstone
3. Fale com Craftsman Betep (662, 120)
-Recompensa(Exp: 50)
- Receba 1 Basic Craftsman Skill
4. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Clique em Learn Manufacturing Skill

1. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
2. Fale com Tailor Nika (662, 120)
-Recompensa (Exp: 50)
-Colete 2 Logs
3. Fale com Tailor Nika (662, 120)
Recompensa (Exp:50)
- Receba 1 Basic Tailor Skill
4. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Clique em Learn Manufacturing Skill

1.Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
2. Fale com Apothecary Tekla (667, 119)
-Recompensa (Exp: 50)
-Colete 5 Salvia Root (Algumas em: 620, 256)
3. Fale com Apothecary Tekla (667, 119)
Recompensa (Exp:50)
- Receba 1 Basic Apothecary Skill
4. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Clique em Learn Manufacturing Skill
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Level 6
1. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
2. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
3. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
-Recompensa (Coin: 190, Exp: 295, Spirit: 90, Rep: 2)

1.Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
pegue 1 Book of Broken Dreams, clica com o botão direito para ler.
Recompensa (30 Exp, Spirit: 10, Rep: 1)
-Espere 1 minuto.
2. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
-Escolha qualquer opção
-Recompensa (Coin: 360, Exp: 680, Spirit:190, Rep: 2)

Blacksmith's Will
1. Fale com Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241)
Colete 2 pig iron
ou Colete 1 pig iron e 800 coins
Coor onde tem ferro: (640, 245 632, 266)
2. Fale com Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241)
-Recompensa (Coin: 300, Exp: 550, Spirit 180)

Recent worries.
1. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
-Mate 15 Spidercrabs
2. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
-Recompensa(Coin: 400, Exp: 650, Spirit: 215, Rep: 2)
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Level 7
Tale of Tears
1. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
2. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
3. Fale com Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241)
-Dê a ele 500 coins
-Espere 20 segundos
4. Fale com Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241)
-Pegue 1 Fake gold Ingot
5. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
6. Fale com the Lone Obelisk (658, 247)
7. Espere 7 seconds
8. Crystal Shoreguard mob vai aparecer e começar a atacar você. Mate ele e pegue 1 Shark Angel Orb.
9. Fale com Guard Lumane (630, 243)
-Recompensa ( Coin: 650, Exp: 1100, Spirit: 370, Rep: 3)
-Escolha uma arma:
Starglow Thorn (Assassin)
Agility Bead (Psychic)
10. Continua na quest de Level 8: Orb of Humanoid Shark

Venomous Mushroom
1. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242)
-Colete 1 mushroom (missão aleatoria)
Lady Mushrooms estão em Bloody Beach (Nessas localizações: 623, 259 621, 257 621, 259)
Spicy Mushrooms estão no Morning Star Valley (658, 260)
Shadow Mushrooms estão em Waterbeast Shore (Coor: 622, 225 623, 220)
2. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242)
3. Receba um cooked mushroom.
-Recompensa (Coin: 370, Exp: 685, Spirit 240, Rep 2)
4. Botão direito para comer.
5. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242)
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Level 8
Missing Home
1. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242)
-Pegue 1 Apothecary's Racked Pack
Localizado em um baú em (613, 254 a 25 de altura) Você tem que pular na pontinha do navio e seguir pela corda até o mastro.
2. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242)
-Recompensa ( Coin: 420, Exp: 740, Spirit: 290, Rep: 3)

Orb of Humanoid Shark
1. Fale com Apothecary Trison (630, 242), ou Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241), ou Guard Lumane (630, 243)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3000)

Can't sleep at night
1. Fale com Guard Zoobwee (645, 264)
-Mate 10 Icewave Sirens
2. Fale com Guard Zoobwee (645, 264)
-Recompensa (Coin: 920, Exp:1500, Spirit: 420, Rep:2)

Amethyst Village
1. Fale com Netherspring Messenger (629, 241)
2. Fale com Amethyst Village Messenger (645, 265)
-Recompensa (Coin: 500, Exp:1000, Spirit:310, Rep: 2)
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Level 9
Cultivation Quest
Cultivo, aparecerá uma tela no level 9
1. Fale com o Meditating Shaman (657, 130)
-Recompensa (Exp: 40, Rep: 2)

Spiritual Adept
1. Fale com o Meditating Shaman (657, 130)
-Cultivation Acknowledgement
2. Fale com o Tideborn Hermit (643, 278, up 26) Você precisa subir em um cogumelo mais baixo e depois dar um salto duplo até lá.
-Colete 8 fantasy beads (Dropado do Demonic Jellyfish) Localizado no topo do cogumelo perto dele. Não tem muitos, mas dão respawn bem rápido.
3. Fale com Tideborn Hermit (643, 278)
-Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth: 1 (Aleatorio)
-Chi Bar adicionada
-Recompensa (Coin: 1100, Exp: 1950, Spirit: 600 Rep: 10)

1. Fale com Short-Tail Lochmur (644, 266)
-Mate 10 Hellbreath Vulture King
2. Fale com Short-Tail Lochmur
-Recompensa( Coin 750, Exp: 1425, Spirit:400, Rep: 2)
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Level 10
Keep Testing
1. Fale com Amethyst Village Messenger (645, 265)
-Mate 9 Shadow Harvesters
2. Repote para ...
-Recompensa (Coin: 810, Exp: 1160, Spirit 350)

Letter Delivery
1. Fale com Tailor Echo (643, 266)
2. Fale com Tailor Nika (662, 120)
-Espere 45 segundos.
3. Fale com Tailor Nika (662, 120)
4. Fale com Tailor Echo (643, 266)
-Recompensa (Coin: 710, Exp: 1250, Spirit: 350)

Clean Up the Island
1. Fale com Liasion Officer Kwong (687, 255)
-Mate 9 Nightmare Bonecrushers
-Mate 4 Shadow Rangers
2. Fale com Liasion Officer Kwong (687, 255)
Recompensa (Coin:920, Exp: 2010, Spirit: 620)

Poison Sting
1 Fale com Guard Zoobwee
-Colete Heartless Stingers (Dropa dos Scorpiotail Tidemaidens)
2. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
-Recompensa( Coin: 1510, Exp: 2600, Spirit: 700)
3. Continua na quest de level 11: Poison for Poison
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Level 11
Poison for Poison
1. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
2. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
-Espere 40 seconds
3. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
4. Fale com Shipping Officer Chiang (686, 256)
-Recompensa (Coin: 2200, Exp: 3800, Spirit: 1300)
5. Continua na quest de level 12: Teleporter's Revenge
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Level 12
Tailor's Dream
1. Fale com Tailor Echo (643, 266)
- Colete 3 Cloud Threads (Pegas das Snow White Herbs) (657, 251 658, 249 658, 253 659, 255)
2. Fale com Tailor Echo (643, 266)
-Recompensa(Coin: 620, Exp: 850, Spirit: 350)

Healer's Mercy
1. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
-15 Minutos de tempo limite. Mate o máximo que puder.
-Colete Mutated Electro Skatefish Fins (Dropados dos Mutated Electro Skatefish)
2. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
-Recompensa( Coin: 120/Fin, Exp: 200/Fin, Spirit: 41/Fin)

Teleporter's Revenge
1. Fale com Shipping Office Chiang (686, 255)
-Mate 15 Mountain Tunneldiggers
2. Fale com Shipping Officer Chiang (686, 255)
Escolha uma Armor
Steelwing Mail (Assassin)
Magicessence Robe (Psychic)
-Recompensa( Coin: 1250, Exp: 4000, Sp: 1300, Rep:1)

Perfect World
1. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Novos Waypoints adidiconados: City of the Plume, City of the Lost, Etherblade City

Adventure Quest
Bloody Beach Treasure Hunt
1. Fale com Short-Tail Lochmur (644, 266)
2. Fale com Lochmur . Drake (618, 243)
Recompensa (Coin: 2000)
3. Continua na quest: The Treasure I

The Treasure I
1. Fale com Lochmur . Drak (618, 243)
-Colete 3 Chests of Treasures (608, 255)
2. Fale com Lochmur . Drake (618, 243)
-Recompensa (Coin: 252, Exp:420, Spirit: 96, Rep: 4, Celestone Fragments:7, Perfect Stones: 2)
3. Continua na quest: The Treasure II
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Level 13
Strange Stone
1. Fale com Guard Bulbeyes (686, 256)
2. Fale com Blacksmith Dmitrii (630, 241)
3. Fale com Liasion Officer Kwong (687, 255)
4. Fale com Shipping Office Chiang (686, 255)
5. Fale com Guard Bulbeyes (686, 256)
-Recompensa (Coin: 1700, Exp:3000, Spirit:1000, Rep:1)
6. Continua na quest: Liasion Officer's Request

Apothecary's Trouble
1. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
-Investigue Sharkscale Spire
-Quest aparece sozinha perto de 668, 224
2. Nova quest:
-Mate 15 Neon Worms
3. Fale com Apothecary Trone (687, 256)
-Recompensa ( Coin:1800 , Exp:3000 , Spirit:1000, Rep:1 )

Lost Mines
1. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
-Mate Lucius the Tainted (aparece perto de 673, 238)
-Tempo: 1 houra
2. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
-Escolha 1 Bota
Steelwing Boots (Assassin)
Magicessence Shoes (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin:1700, Exp:3300, Spirit:1000, Rep: 2)
-Pegue 1 Badge of Lucius the Tainted (Fica no inventory, segure até a próxima quest)
3. Continua na quest: Treason
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Level 14
Sad Message
1. Fale com Shipping Office Chiang (686, 255)
-Mate o Nightspike Champion
2. Fale com Shipping Office Chiang (686, 255)
Escolha 1 Calça
Steelwing Greaves (Assassin)
Magicessence Pants (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3000, Exp: 5000, Spirit: 1800, Rep:1)

Liasion Officer's Request
1. Fale com Liasion Officer Kwong (687, 255)
- Colete 4 Pheonix Soul Iron (Coor: 679, 238 677, 241 672, 238 673, 224)
2. Fale com Liasion Officer Kwong (687, 255)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3100, Exp: 5100, Spirit: 1600, Rep: 1)

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Level 15
Brave Recommendation
1. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
-Responda a pergunta com a opção Belief
2. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
- Recompensa (Coin: 1700, Exp: 3201, Spirit: 996, Rep: 2)
3. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
-Teleportado automaticamente para City of Raging Tides
4. Continua na quest: Island and City

Missing Captain
1. Fale com Merchants Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
2. Fale com Escort Captain Tankis (672, 102)
-Colete Ruin Remains (Pego como mat em 669, 103)
3. Fale com Escort Captain Tankis (672, 102)
4. Fale com Merchants Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
-Recompensa (Coin: 10000, Exp: 3890, Spirit: 1210, Rep:2)

Island and City
1. Fale com Nightfire Messenger (687, 255)
2. Fale com Teleporter Reviero (668,123)
3. Fale com o Elder (657,143)

Warrior Recommendation
1. Fale com o Elder (657,143)
-Recompensa (Coin: 500, Exp: 300, Spirit: 100, Rep:2)

Soul of the Scarecrow
A quest vai aparecer assim que tu tiver um pouco distante da cidade, em Southern Outskirts
1. Fale com o Elder (657,143)
-Colete 8 Soul Retriver Crystals (Pegos nos Messed Scarecrows próximo a 683, 104)
Lá tem monstros agressivos ( Morphing Worm) que nascem perto deles.
2. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Recompensa ( Coin: 2422, Exp: 4300, Spirit: 1338. Rep:3)

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Level 16
Never Return
1. Fale com o Elder (657,143)
-Automaticamente teleportado para o templo acima (Se não, vá no centro da cidade, no teleport, e clica quest related : Cloud sei lá o que @@ num lembro agora o nome todo, mas é esta a opção lol)
2. Fale com General Chugunov (664, 133)
-Procure pelo General's guard crew. Uma dica vai brotar na tela perto de (631, 134).
3. Colete 1 Leadership Proof (Pega no corpo em 627, 135)
-Uma quest vai aparecer quando tu tiver perto do corpo, a Treason.
4. Fale com General Chugunov (664, 133)
Escolha um bracelete
Steelwing Bracers (Assassin)
Magicessence Wristband (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 1600, Exp: 3538. Spirit: 1100, Rep:2 )

1. Fale com Murmuring Person (622, 138)
2. Mate 1 Summoned Guard
3. Fale com Murmuring Person (622, 138)
4. Reporte ao Elder (657, 143)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3000, Exp: 5054, Spirit: 1573, Rep:4)

Enemy's Plans
1. Fale com o Elder (657,143)
2. Reporte ao General Chugunov (664, 133)
3. Reporte ao Priest Konchi (662, 133)
Escolha um
Morningbreak Pendant (Assassin)
Voidwaking Pendant (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3120, Exp: 5540, Spirit: 1724, Rep:2)
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Level 17
Secret Lochmur Key
1. Fale com Priest Konchi (662, 133)
-Colete 1 Secret Lochmur Key (Dropa do Runing Thief - nasce perto de 683, 159)
2. Reporte ao Priest Konchi (662, 133)
Escolha um anel
Peakstar Ring (Assassin)
Avalanch Ring (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3557, Exp: 6314, Spirit: 1965, Rep:2)

Legend of the Curse
1. Fale com Craftsman Betep (660, 121)
2. Fale com o Elder (657, 143)
-Colete 1 Soul Crystal (Dropado dos Soulswallow Stalker)
3. Coloque o Soul Crystal no Old Stone Coffin (630, 144)
4. Fale com o elder Elder (657, 143)
-Colete 1 Spell Duplicator (Do Cataclysm Stele (654, 146))
5. Fale com Craftsman Betep (660, 121)
-Recompensa (Coin: 2761, Exp: 4900, Spirit: 1525, Rep: 2)

Merchant's Request
1. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
2. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Qirin (666, 137)
-Espere 1 minuto
3. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Qirin (666, 137)
4. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Qerin (659, 135)
-Espere 1 minuto.
5. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Qerin (659, 135)
6. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
-Recompensa (Coin: 2498, Exp: 4433, Spirit: 1380, Rep:2)
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Level 18
Family Heirloom
1. Fale com Guard Iozo (671, 116)
-Colete 1 Jaden Statuette (Dropado dos Nightspike Slaves)
2. Fale com Guard Iozo (671, 116)
-Recompensa (Coin: 5770, Exp: 10240. Spirit: 3185, Rep: 2)

Old Soldier's Regret
1. Fale com Waveclash Messenger (670, 175)
- Mate 4 Glacial Walker
- Mate 8 Flaming Walker
-Colete 1 Ironcutter Sword ( Espada em uma pedra, em: 628, 167)
2. Fale com Waveclash Messenger (670, 175)
Escolha um cordão
Dustblow Amulet (Assassin)
Soulbind Amulet (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 4720, Exp: 8380, Spirit: 2610, Rep: 3)
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Level 19
Spiritual Cultivation
Mensagem de sistema assim que atingir Level 19
1. Fale com Meditating Shaman (657, 130)
Recompensa (Exp: 50, Rep:4)

Aware of Principle
1. Fale com Meditating Shaman (657, 130)
- Rescue Sprite in Danger (Dropa dos Ebony Hellduke)
- Colete Hidden Celestial Sprite (Localizado em 679, 179)
2. Fale com Meditating Shaman (657, 130)
-Recompensa (Coin: 4512, Exp: 8011, Spirit: 2493, 1 Celestone of Earth/Human/Heaven, 1 Resurrection Scroll)

Kill Ocean Tusker
1. Fale com General Chugunov (664, 133)
- Collete 1 Eye of Sea Monster (Dropado do Ocean Tusker, precisa de squad de no mínimo você e mais 2 para entrar.)
2. Assim que todos os membros da squad estiverem em (694, 221) o líder falará com o Guard Boogean para serem teleportados na instancia.
3. Fale com Ocean Maiden para sair da dungeon (só quando terminar tudo)

4. Fale com General Chugunov (664, 133)
Escolha uma arma
Dagger of Trials (Assassin)
Bead of Trials (Psychic)
-Recompensa (Coin: 3502, Exp: 6217, Spirit: 1935, Rep:10)

Ambassador Banner
1. Fale com Minister Georcy (662, 132)
- Colete 1 Ambassador Banner (dropado do Grand Thief. Blackbone(625, 140).
2. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
-Recompensa (Coin:3160, Exp: 5625, Spirit: 1750, Rep: 3)

Adventure Quest
Shiny Tides
1. Fale com Merchant's Ambassador Shimmin (672, 120)
2. Fale com Lochmur . Indy (628, 122)
-Recompensa (Coin: 4000)
3. Continue to quest: The Treasure II

The Treasure II
1. Fale com Lochmur . Indy (628, 122)
-Colete 3 Chest of Treasures . 2 (Próximos de 610, 114. rodeados de Deeptorrent Tortoises agressivas)
2. Fale com Lochmur . Indy (628, 122)
-Recompensa (Coin:670, Exp: 1116, Spirit: 255, Rep: 4, 1 Celestone of Earth/Human/Heaven, 5 Perfect stones).

Esperem que ajudem thx.
Retirado Fórum PWI
CCV_Iupi Tradução Português 3.000 é a meta? '

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